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As time allows and with their permissions, we will include some additional information here about our son and his family.

Mark is married to Margaret. They are the proud parents of twin daughters, Elizabeth Sarah Burger and Lorraine Hannah Burger, born May 15, 1999. Visit our photos page to see pictures.

Mark and Margie own UNIphant Enterprises LLC which is an Internet consulting business. They are also the founding directors of Dad's Place Ministries Inc, a non-profit organization "helping those who seek our Father's house through Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior." Mark is 'self-employed' fulltime in these pursuits but is also currently looking for fulltime employment. After recovering from seven surgeries on her jaw, a difficult pregnancy and a challenging first two years with the twins, Margie now has her nursing license back and is looking forward to starting work this month.

'Lizbet' and 'Raindrop' are now doing very well. As many of you know, Elizabeth was the recipient of the first non-related living donor liver transplant at Johns Hopkins Hospital in December 2000. And Lorraine was no less of a miracle, born nine weeks early at only 1 pound 13 ounces, but incredibly healthy. She went home at seven weeks old, at only 3 pounds 6 ounces and with NO monitors. You are invited to go see the picture albums that Mark has put online to help you appreciate what the girls have experienced.

George Mark Edward web site was designed and is maintained by UNIphant Enterprises LLC, providing "Internet Business and Evangelism Solutions that are Innovative, Affordable, and Effective"

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Last Updated: February 2003

* Prepaid for five years. Ten dollars per month if paid monthly.